Monday, September 1, 2008

Bed Bugs

What are bed bugs is a question asked by a lot of people. Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. There is a misconception that bed bugs can’t be seen by human eyes. However, it is not true. Adult bed bugs are about 5 mm long which is enough for a human to notice them. These crawling night stalkers invade our homes with a speed of light. They pierce the skin and feed by sucking human blood. After feeding, their body is often swollen and red in color. It is difficult to get rid of them and it requires persistence.

One of the ways to get rid of bed bugs is to kill them with the use of insecticides. There are two types of insecticides than can be used: biological and chemical.

Biological insecticides are living organisms that kill bed bugs. These insecticides are safe and easy to use.

Chemical insecticides quickly kill bugs but there are disadvantages to using them. The cost of this insecticide can be high and there is also a danger that some toxic materials remain after use.

If you want to quickly and effectively get rid of bed bugs the best way is to use treatments specifically made for this task. There is a spray that instantly kills bed bugs. The spray is safe and easy to use. To use it you need to apply the light mist to the mattress and the bed frame. Don’t forget to spray the bottom of the mattress, mattress tears and buttons. If the bed bugs appear after using the spray it is necessary to repeat the process for several days.

Summary: Bed bugs are small and dangerous creatures that adversely affect people. Getting rid of them is difficult and requires persistence. If you encounter bed bugs in your bedroom the best way is to use a bed bugs spray to quickly kill them

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